
From Your Pastor’s Heart

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ! As we embark on a renewed missionary journey of “Making Disciples Who Make Disciples”, we must first ensure that we are indeed disciples. A quick definition search of the word disciple is this, “a personal follower of Jesus during his life”. I think this is a good fundamental way of defining a disciple, “a personal follower” for no one can follow for you. And since our Savior lives now and forever more, the last part of this definition of disciple is affirmed by my faith. So, are we disciples? Are we personal followers of the living Christ?

The best way to ensure our fruitful discipleship is to understand God’s Will for our lives, our purpose for being who we are, where we are when we are. Some might refer to this revelation as “their purpose” or “God’s Plan” for their life. But what is the key to unlocking this revelation? How can we ever see that plan be fulfilled?

In my life, and in many others lives, the key is understanding our “spiritual gifts” and using those gifts in ways that Christ is glorified. Spiritual gifts, skills and abilities that God blesses us with, through the power of His Holy Spirit, that when used for His glory, allows us to see His plan for life literally “come to life”! In the coming months, and for the rest of my life and ministry, I look forward to leading persons, and groups of persons, in the hope that they would recognize their spiritual gifts and use them for God’s glory.

Members of Randall’s Chapel GMC, I ask you to join me in this life transforming journey of Making Disciples Who Make Disciples. If you are not a member of Randall’s Chapel, but God has led you to this article, I encourage you to consider that God has a plan for you. He has given you spiritual gifts and you only need a place that will encourage you, come alongside you, and challenge you to grow in your faith journey. A place where we all can grow in grace and understanding of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. I am blessed to say that Randall’s Chapel GMC is such a place. We will be blessed to grow with you.

Peace be with us all. Pastor Woody